Thursday, 30 October 2014

Shopping for your new home

After paying for your new space and you have access to it, you need to fix the place up.

Your initial basics should be a mattress, a bed,  rubber carpet, camp gas with grill on it, cooking pots, buckets, boiling ring, utensils and an electric Iron. 

The table below shows pricing for the basics then you decide if you are in a position to scale up for example you may prefer getting a rug as against a rubber carpet.

Rubber carpet for a bedsitter
         N 2,300
Mattress  (4ft by 6ft)          
         N 9,000
Wooden bed  (4ft by 6ft)          
6kg camp gas with grill (already filled)         
         N 9,000
         N 1,500
Boiling ring    
         N 1,900
Utensils & Cutlery
         N 4,000
Electric Iron
         N 2,400
         N 2,400

All these listed in the table is a guide to give an idea of their prices, All these are bought at the Supermarket except for the bed though it is also sold at the supermarket  for a more higherprice  than the one listed in the table, so the  N10,000 is you having a carpenter construct it for you and this should be ready in 48hrs.

The four most popular supermarket chain stores in Kenya are Nakumatt, Uchumi,Ukwala and Tuskys. Based on personal shopping experience, Ukwala has the best bargain while Nakumatt js the most expensive.

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